Hog on the Run

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

By way of explanation

I'd love to say that I've been to Peru or something in order to explain my regrettable absence, but no, I just have a nasty case of blogstipation. Maybe I need to read War and Peace or something equally fibrous in order to move the blockage. Ho hum.

In the meantime, I got some fabric that I ordered from the States, which was fairly exciting. Anyone got any good ideas as to what I could use this for? I got all enthusiastic when I saw it and had to have it, now it's going to sit in my vast fabric repository until I get around to ruining it in some pointlessly crafty project. Darn it.


jesus.. its Barbarella in fabric form.

'retro-tastic!', i'd cry. but only if i was a massive wanker.

perhaps you should fashion yourself a barbarella outfit and *be* barbarella.
No-one needs to see my pasty form splurging out of such an outfit. No-one.

Besides, I am not nearly blond enough. S'a nice idea though, zapping around the galaxy in a fur lined spacecraft.
LOVE the fabric! How much did you get? If a lot, make curtains. If a few yards, I'd suggest a halter top and hot pants.

(Seriously, where did you get it? I'm having an urge to buy buy buy this stuff....)
I got it from www.reprodepotfabrics.com, but you can get in three colours from www.buyfabricsonline.com

Reprodepot were v. quick though. Just over a week from US to UK. Never tried the other one, so I dunno if they are any good.
I know what you mean about buying fabrics. Even though I am a crap seamstress, I am enthusiastic. I buy these fabrics and make love to them, but do nothing with them.
I have had to cut myself off. No more fabrics.
I did rub myself up against some gorgeous and cheap fabrics at Ikea yesterday. They shooed me away when my lovemaking got too noisy, but OH! the fabrics. This one print was so cool.
I bought curtains instead. Sigh.
You should make a bathrobe...sexy, fun, and non-threatening. Unless you wear the Hose of Death with it that is.
Mmmmmmm. Curtains....I used to sell them for a living you know, and they will always hold a special place in my heart. Oh, the curtains I could make if only I had more than three windows in my flat, I can only dream of such things.

Ikea is dangerous. I have never allowed myself to buy fabric there because they let you cut it yourself and they sell it by weight. I would just not be able to stop myself. More! MORE!
I vote for a slipcover for the chaise longue you undoubtedly already own.

Then you can writhe around sensually on it while demanding that someone male bring you something cool to drink. As well as something to nibble on.
Reminds me of those fifties pictures where the curtains, lampshades and cushions all matched. Can't get that out of my head to think of anything more creative!
Hi - swinging by on the britblog tour :-)
Hmmm... some things are obviously hereditary.. remember that huge wardrobe filled with fabrics (patchwork phase responsible for half of it), patterns (half of which never even cut out) and balls of yarn? This comment only posted to say I MISS your writing!!! More, please?
Okapi? Hello?

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