Hog on the Run

Thursday, March 31, 2005

A Tale

Once upon a time, there was a very little girl who refused to eat solid food. The Mummy was at her wits end, but the very little girl would not eat the Gerber goo, nor even the home-cooked goo, no, not at all.

One morning, the Mummy was horrified to discover the Daddy, happily engaged feeding the very little girl tiny pieces of black pudding. This delicacy, for the uninitiated, involves spices and unmentionable "fruits" of the pig. It is in no way suitable for small persons' digestive systems. The Daddy, blithely ignoring the Sainted Doctor Spock, and indeed, health and safety in the home, pointed out, "Look! She likes it". And she did.

And thus it was written. So it would be in the very little girl's home, with the Mummy attempting to uphold the household rule of law, and the Daddy thumbing his nose at such things and just going with it.

Kudos to you, Dad. I hold you single handedly responsible for my tendency to go my own way, and for my inability to believe anything without checking it out for myself.

And for my love of black pudding, even now I know what's in it.


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