Hog on the Run

Monday, March 07, 2005

I know, I'm like a bug eyed poster girl for Lucozade. Sidekick's little bro has some aggression issues to work through.

The venue: Glenshee
The website makes it sound like some sort of alpine paradise, but in reality, you really have to need to snowboard to try it. There's only two chairlifts and the rest are instruments of torture known as "Pomas" or "T-bars". The pomas aren't so bad once you get used to being yanked off your feet, but the T bars....oh the unearthly anguish! You are simultaneously hauled upwards toward the sky and forward towards the ground. I have surprising bruises on my inner thighs. The thing about Glenshee (which I repeated endlessly to the two skiers in our party) is that it just isn't designed for boarders.

Still, perfect day, beautiful snow, and I managed to get away without damaging myself. It's all good. Tell me again why I have to work this week?


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